Live Long - The Japanese Way
The healthy Japanese cuisine
Fish one of the food at most at japanese person consumption. One of profit consumes fish because several has pregnancy omega 3 fatty acid (DHA and EPA) big, Like fish salmon, sardine, and Haring many used in menu sushi and sashimi. Watchfulness has proved that omega 3 functioned to increase level HDL (good cholesterol ) and Demote LDL (bad cholesterol) that can prevent heart sickness and Embolism.
Omega 3 also proved can help to watch over blood sugar degree in somebody body. Particularly again, Several also show that omega 3 can prevent diseases alzheimer and frequently mentioned over and over as body invulnerability adder and can help to prevent depression. Is meat raw that safe? During cultivated well and Hygienic, Consume raw fish meat that's better because more and more contains omega 3. Here's because it you must always choose restaurant sushi good reputation and hygienic.
Love your green tea!
One of drink kind popularest at japanese is green tea. But, habit often we consider to be this ancient tradition has influence very good to your well-being, and one of the primary factor that make japanese citizen wells. Watchfulness at japanese prove that one who drink three until four cups of green tea every the day has decreased risk has been hitted heart sickness up to 31%. Here's why can ones can have as a conclusion that consuming green tea can prolong your alive.
One of important green tea contents epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), Be substance antioksidan. Believe or not, ECGC this is at least 100 times effectiveer than vitamin C and 25 times effectiveer protect skin and DNA than vitamin E. Has also contents polifenol and polisakarida effective demote blood sugar. Drink also can depress substance angiotensin II oftentimes causes to rise it blood pressure. Besides, There many watchfulness that show that green tea contains catechins effective in prevent cancer. Latest, Also can increase body invulnerability system because contain polifenol and flavenoids.
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